
Participating to international projects means not only making an advance in research but getting in contact with people from different cultures and establish friendships that in the most part of the cases go beyond the project itself.

May 2024 Horizon2020 870365 “MORAL” Final Meeting with Microcontroller Live Demo @IHP (Frankfurt Oder – Germany)

Daniele Pedrini, Cristiano Calligaro and Pignoletto Team – April 2021 – Call Hub Regione Lombardia “Pignoletto Project” (Virtual Meeting during COVID Lockdown – Italy)

Aldo Parlato, Lelio and Cristiano Calligaro – March 2020 – ASI “RAD-PROM Project” @LNS (Catania – Italy)

Cristiano Calligaro, Ingo Speer, Aleksandar Simevski, Manuel Sanchez, Christian Ferdinand, Bernhard Schommer, Milos Krstic, Michael Schmidt – January 2020 – EU Horizon2020 870365 “MORAL” @IHP (Frankfurt Oder – Germany)

Luca Chiarini, Paolo Tabacco and Cristiano Calligaro ESA-NAVISP “Anti Jammer Soc” – March 2019 – Negotiation Meeting @ ESTEC (Noordwijk – The Netherlands)

Schulze Carsten, Cristiano Calligaro and Aleksandar Simevski
Eureka Eurostars “EuroSRAM4Space” – May 2018 – Testing @IHP (Frankfurt Oder – Germany)

Cristiano Calligaro, Christian Wenger and Ari Virtanen
EU Horizon2020 640073 “R2RAM” – Dec 2016 – Presentation @ ESTEC (Noordwijk – The Netherlands)

Calogero “Rino” Pace, Cristiano Calligaro and Ari Virtanen
EU Horizon2020 640073 “R2RAM” – May 2015 – Heavy Ions testing @ RADEF (Jyvaskyla – Finland)

Ari Virtanen, Cristiano Calligaro and Valentino Liberali
EU FP7 262890 “SkyFlash” – April 2013 – Heavy Ions testing @ RADEF (Jyvaskyla – Finland)