Rad Hard 1Mbit SRAM



  • Asynchronous rad hard 128kbit x8 Static RAM
  • Operating Voltage (I/O) 3.3V±10%
  • Operating Voltage (core) 1.8V±10%
  • 12 ns address access time
  • Wide Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
  • Low Power Consumption:
  1. Power Current (core) 6 mA max
  2. Power Current (I/O) 0.2 uA max
  3. Power Current (core) 14mA max (300 krad)
  4. Power Current (I/O) 0.3 uA max (300 krad)
  • Radiation Hardened process and design:
  1. Total Dose 300 krad(Si) (Co60)
  2. SEL LETth > 80 MeV/mg*cm2 (Si) (Au Ions)
  3. 4 < SEU LETth < 5 MeV cm2/mg (Si)
  • Packaging options:
  1. no package (waffle pack die)
  2. CERDIP (only for evaluation)


RC7C1024RHS SRAM is a low voltage, high performance, asynchronous, radiation-hardened 128kbit x8 memory device using six transistor (6T) memory cells with Miller Capacitors. A standard 0.18u CMOS 6 metals technology process has been used to implement RC7C1024RHS with a dedicated robust rad-hard by design (RHBD) approach using ELT transistors, enhanced guard rings and ELT ESD pads.

RC7C1024RHS has been specifically designed for applications with TID requirements in range from 100krad (Si) to 300krad (Si) such as LEO, MEO and GEO.