Welcome to RedCat Devices!
RedCat Devices (RCD) designs and develops semiconductor memories (SRAMs, NVMs) and analog components (ADCs, DACs) for space applications and nuclear science taking the best from standard CMOS process. Thanks to its proprietary methodologies of Radiation Hardening By Design (RHBD) RCD guarantees ICs resilent to Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and Single Event Effects (SEE).
News! RadLibN22 now available in pre-release
As a natural evolution of RadLibN28HPC, RedCat Devices rad-hard standard cell library RadLibN22ULP and RadLibN22ULL using TSMC 22nm Low Power and Low Leakage CMOS are now available in pre-release. (Dec. 6th, 2024)
News! IEEE SSCS Webinar on rad-hard Semicondutors
RedCat Devices CEO, Cristiano Calligaro, will be speaker during Solid State Circuits and Devices in Extreme Radiation Environments webinar scheduled for December 2nd 2024. (Nov. 20th, 2024).
News! LeonidaADC now ready for testing ADCs under irradiation.
RedCat Devices IT Division has completed the development of LeonidaADC for making test under Cobalt 60 (TID) and Heavy Ions (SEE) for rad-hard ADCs. (Oct. 10th, 2024).
News! RadLibN40LP available in pre-release
RedCat Devices rad-hard standard cell library RadLibN40LP using TSMC 40nm Low Power CMOS is now available in pre-release. (Sept. 19th, 2024)
News! RELIC Project is started!
RELIC Project, funded by ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) in the the framework of “Tecnologie Spaziali Innovative”, is officially started. It will be focused on the design and development of a rad-hard calibrated voltage regulator (LDO) using a standard 180nm CMOS process. (May 27th, 2024)
News! Rad-hard DAC 12 bits paper available on MDPI (May 9th, 2024)

News! Analog Macros now available!
RedCat Devices anounces the availability of a rad-hard 10 bits DAC and 12 bits SAR ADC using 180nm xh018 process. Both macros can be used in a standard mixed signal flow using both commercial EDA tools and free open source tools (OpenROAD, SiliconCompiler). (March 31, 2024)
News! RedCat Devices is FSiC2023 Sponsor
RedCat Devices is sponsor for FSiC2023 Conference in Paris at Sorbonne University… an opportunity to dive in the free silicon software world and meet lots of enthusiasts in open source EDA tools. CU all on 10-11-12 July in Paris!!!! (June 25, 2023)
News! Rad-hard 12 bits DAC is over 500 krad
In the framework of Horizon2020 Moral Project the rad-hard 12 bits DAC embedded in Moral Microcontroller has been test under Cobalt 60 at University of Palermo Facility using RedCat Devices proprietary Leonida Platform. Using 0.63 rad/s dose rate the DAC reached 500krad (Si) with no degradation in terms of performance.
News! Leonida Multisession on line
with Leonida is now possible to use multiple boards (mounting different components) in one irradiation session. Multiple instances of Leonida software can check the irradiation campaign!
News! Leonida Platform ready for incoming Cobalt 60 tests!
RedCat Devices supports RADNEXT Project headed by CERN.